Thursday, November 24, 2005

Back in Laos

Back in Laos with anoher group this time. It's nice to be coming back to see familiar places and faces. The group this time is very different from the group I had in Cambodia. This time the group is small and rather quiet. Still nice people though but different, maybe because it's a bit of an older group.

Right now my group is in the safe hands of Mr. Vandy, a local guide. That gives me some time to catch up with my paperwork and just chill a bit, which isn't always that easy though if you come on a PC. This is by the way the second time that I am writing all this.

Later today there's a massage at the local red cross on the program, a must if you ever come to Luang Prabang, where I am now. Tomorrow we go for a hike and then we travel further North. Another week and a bit and I'll be in Bangkok again and then there will be some time to really relax, on the beach.

Helthwise all's good again. Some people of my Cambodia group
who also were sick had a check up when they got back to Belgium. They had some bacterial infection called Shigella Sonnei. I guess I must have had the same cause we all had similar symptons but luckily I got rid of it without having to take antibiotics, and just in time before the Laos group arrived.

That's all I have to say right now, more news from Bangkok in a bit more than a week. Below are some pics to get in the Lao athmosphere.


Dragons at the That Luang temple in Vientiane.

Tad Fane waterfalls and AAAAAAAAAH - a spider!!!

The Lao way of fixing a flat bicycle tyre.

What Lao people call "Muu"

A digital camera is always very popular.


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